Thursday, May 14, 2020

EXP2: Final Submission


The fluid performance of movement in architecture can be articulated as a stage of curving lines and elements.

Sketch Perspectives:

Custom Textures:

Animated Drawings:  

Image Captures:

Bridge Concept:

The fluidity of circulation is considered in the design of the bridge, which facilitates ease of movement through vertical access. Floor space is also maximised within a dense urban environment by elevating the architectural school. The highly reflective material choice of glass and white chrome complements the curving structures of the studio and office spaces which symbolise the fluidity of movement. The material transparency utilises natural sunlight, thereby taking environmental sustainability into consideration.

The overarching material theme is juxtaposed with the nature-inspired structural elements of the bridge. Elements of the plant form informed the way movement is incorporated into the function of the bridge, particularly in terms of sun and shading. Simulating the xylem and phloem of the plant stalk, the moving bars on the exterior of the second story descend and ascend according to the time of day. The cylindrical bars act as blinds, resolving the issue of glare due to the glass walls. Similarly, the leaf-inspired rotating awning provides a flexible solution for shading on the third storey. Furthering the environmentally sustainable aspect of the architecture, the awning collects rain water in a central column, for use in the bathrooms on the first and second storey. The organic, curving shapes of the shading structures contribute to the appearance of fluid movement.

Sketchup Model

uploaded to 3D warehouse: "ARCH1101 EXP2 2020 Jenny Chan"

Lumion environment:

Animated Film:

Peer Reviews

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Custom texture - movement


Rotational/fluid (own word)

Displacement (own word)/stability (own word)

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Self Directed Tutorial - animated sketches

Axonometric animation using 6 rectangular prisms:

Two perspective animation using 6 rectangular prisms:

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week 2 - modified plan

Torus House - Preston Scott Cohen

Original Plan:

Modified plan:

Modified section:

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Circulation Model with massing elements - Lumion

- precipitation effect

Perspective Drawings

Circulation Model

 - two-point perspective

 - one-point perspective

 - two-point perspective

Circulation Model with additional Massing Elements

- two-point perspective

- one-point perspective

- two-point perspective

Circulation Model - Lumion

Bridge connects to Anzac Parade and High Street.

Monday, March 30, 2020

Precedent Bridge

Webb Bridge - Yarra River, Melbourne, Australia

Designed by: Denton Corker Marshall, Robert Owen
Type: pedestrian/cycle bridge
Length: 80m
Components: pigmented concrete screed deck, steel section hoops, steel traps

Friday, March 27, 2020

EXP2: Theory

News article: 

Cheng, Linda, Patrick Hunn, and Josh Harris. "Fluid Curtains Inspire New Sydney Theatre". Architectureau, 2020.


Fluid, curving, performance, stage


The fluid performance of movement in architecture can be articulated as a stage of curving lines and elements.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

EXP1 Model


Above: section drawing of model
Client 1 (above ground level): Mountain & Moon - [RESTRICT]
Client 2 (below ground): Kyhzyl Saleem - [ILLUMINATE]

- vehicle access
- ramp access to above ground level
- use of natural lighting through glass panelling
- external structure inspired by 'Mountain & Moon' concept
- walls 'close in' (restrict)
- fractal glass surfaces to reflect glacial mountains
- located on a grassy hill, south-westerly aspect

- below ground studio has two circular areas with skylight ceiling (illuminate)
- circular areas represent wheels

- access to building through a glass/concrete tunnel


Above: plan view of below ground studio
- two circular areas for a computer room and kitchen

- Above: north-south section

- Above: east-west section


- spiral staircase from ground level to level one
- gold chain and gemstone design inspired by Client 1 jewellery line

- staircase from below ground to ground level
- storage space and desk/table incorporated
- oak panelling and black railing


- computer area with skylight

- kitchen area with skylight

- below ground studio

- above ground studio

- ground level showroom

- ground level showroom